8th of March is the international women’s day; while, murderous supreme leader and his selected (not elected) government imposed all inhuman rules to Iranian women.
Violent regime of Iran is an anti woman regime that based on anti women believes, Iranian women in their long and proud history had experienced to be even king of Persia or the commander and governors of states, but now:
They are just some slaves for men.
They have no right to select their cloths (i.e. they have to cover their hairs)
A man can live with 4 wives and have relationship with more than 100 women at the same time, but if a married woman has any sort of relationship with another man she will be executed inhumanly (stoned)
Payment in the event of a woman’s accidental death (e.g. car accident) by insurance companies is as half as this amount for a man (i.e. a woman’s price is as half as a man’s price) also heritages of parents are sorted in the ratio of 2/1 to brothers and sisters.
Iranian married women have no right to travel to other countries without their husbands’ written permission. They even can’t apply for passport without their husband’s permission.
An Iranian woman can not ask for separation from her husband even if he has married to other women. On the other hand a man can ask for divorce easily and with no reason and his wife has almost no right from their life.
Shirin Ebadi is a woman who won peace noble prize, her award was blocked by
A group of 12 women had gathered 1 million signatures from Iranian women to fix their problems and stop these inhuman activities against them, all of them attained and now they are in jail.
They couldn’t find any ear to hear. They are totally alone
You will be more informed about such inhuman rules and actions of this dictatorship regime against Iranian women.
I can’t understand why you don’t want to support these women effectively, at least publish something in your newspapers to show them that you here their voice.
These two clips are just two samples of thousands:
I can not open some eyes which are deliberately closed to the trough. But without hope we have nothing.
On behalf of Iranian people
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