چهارشنبه، فروردین ۱۱، ۱۳۸۹

Support Senator McCain

Iranian people are standing with you and you have their vote.
I promise you that each Iranian-American urges more than 10 other American to vote to you.
We never forget our friends; you proved that you believe on humanity. We are with you forever.
Best wishes
on behalf of Iranian people

پنجشنبه، اسفند ۲۷، ۱۳۸۸

Armenian People and Persia

Armenian People and Persia

Yesterday prime minister of a country in Middle East threat 100,000 Armenian people that they must leave that country.

Armenian people are sons of great and ancient Persia, they are Persian and they had their own role in Persian culture and history we shouldn’t say welcome to them as Persia is their home. They are much greater to be in somewhere that doesn’t deserve to be their host even for short time. In close future they will receive their own share from the wealth of their mother land “Persia” and we will not let any one to send their share to somewhere else like Lebanon or Palestine Bahrain, etc.

We will be together forever.

شنبه، اسفند ۲۲، ۱۳۸۸

کار حزبی یا گذشت از شرافت

کار حزبی یا گذشت از شرافت

شاید بالاترین ارزش انسانی‌، انسانیت یا شرافت انسان است. هیچ ارزشی حتا به بزرگی‌ آزادی آنقدر ارزشمند نیست که بتوان به بهانهٔ آن از شرافت گذشت.

آیا هیچ انسان با شرفی حاضر میشود به انسان دیگری که پیشتر مورد ظلم و تعدی قرار گرفته اجازه تظلم خواهی‌ ندهد، آیا این به دور از انسانیت و جوانمردی نیست. آیا هیچ چیزی با ارزش تر از جان انسان می‌شناسید، آخر چگونه چشمان خود را میبندید و چون افراد سنگدلی که بویی از انسانیت نبرده اند از یک مادر داغدیده، که داغ فرزندان و همهٔ خانواده بر دلش گذاشته شده می‌خواهید سکوت کند و از حق پایمال شده سخنی نگوید تا اتحادی شکل گیرد با حضور افراد ظالمی که خون مردمی را در شیشه کرده اند و در ظلم به این آب و خاک از هیچ چیز فروگذار نکرده اند. چه اتحاد سیاه و پستی است اتحادی که باید چشم بر حق مردم بست و باید با چنین کسانی‌ یگانگی کرد دوم آنکه شما بر چه اساسی‌ و با چه حقی‌ میگویید گذشته این افراد را فراموش کنید، کسی‌ که مورد جفا قرار گرفته باید گذشت کند نه شما. جگر سوخته مادری که فرزندش در جنگی که فلان آقایان ادامه دادند کشته شد را شما مرحم مینهید، آن کودک کردی که در قنداق بود که با تانک از روی خانه آااش گذاشتند را شما آرام می‌کنید، همسر و فرزند شریعتی‌ را که سالها پیش از انقلاب توسط آنان که میدانستند با حضور وی به حکومتی اینچنین نمیرسند شما پاسخ گو هستید، طالقانی را، فروهر را، چرا میگویید صحبتی‌ از سال ۶۷ و قتل عام آن سال نکنید مگر آنها که در ابتدای جاده خاوران آرمیده اند انسان نبودند حق حیات نداشتند مادر پدر همسر برادر یا خواهری نداشتند چرا این قدر بی‌ انصافیم این قدر شرافت انسانی‌ را بازیچه قدرت می‌کنیم، آیا به مرگ باور دارید چه چیز در دنیا میخواهند به شما پیشکش کنند که از شرافت با ارزش تر باشد، نمونه‌ها در این باره بسیارند ولی‌ اگر با انصاف باشید و بخواهید دریچه قلب انسنیتان را به روی حقیقت باز کنید آاه یک مادر مظلوم کافی‌ است.

این مطلب را نه برای خانواده و اقوام و دوستان افراد پیش تر سوار بر اسب قدرتی‌ میزنم که اکنون از این مرکب پیاده اند و به دنبال آن روانند که هر چند اگر ایشان نیز به ندای وجدان خود گوش فرا دهند باید درست کار باشند و از مردم پوزش بخواهند و مردم را از آنچه انجام شده آگاه نمایند زیرا این دنیا بر کسی‌ باقی‌ نبوده و نخواهد بود، برای شما جوانانی میگویم که میپندارید کار گروهی و حزبی می‌کنیم پس باید چشم و گوش بر هر چه حقایق بوده ببندیم و در جهت منویات افراد دیگر که به خوبی‌ نمیشناسیم بنویسیم و تلاش کنیم. به آنها القابی دهیم و هر چه کردند و گفتند به‌ به‌ بگوئیم و چشم بسته از آن دفاع کنیم، بار کاج به منزل نخواهد رسید و اتحادی که با گذشت از شرف و انسانیت بخواهد شکل بگیرد چون درختیست که اگر بر نشانی‌ به باغ بهشت همان میوه تلخ بار آورد.

پایدار و پیروز و آزاد مردم و سرزمین کهنمان

پنجشنبه، اسفند ۲۰، ۱۳۸۸

Billions of $ which was sent to Lebanon

Murderous supreme leader of Iran sent 300 million $ to terrorist group of Lebanon “Hezbollah” to solve its financial problem after bankruptcy of a trader “Salaah Ezedin” activist of this group.

Total amount of money that was sent to Lebanon to help this group during last 12 months is further than one billion $. Qasem Soleimani “Chief Commander of Iran revolutionary guard Qods” (a branch that is known as a dangerous terrorist group for their activities in foreign countries) was insisted on sending this money to Lebanon to assist Hasan Nasreollah “leader of Hezbollah”.

It should be mentioned that this amount was taken from the budget of Boniad Mostazafan “governmental organization which support disabled people”.

This budget should be spent for the most needed people of Iran but sent to Lebanon to export the Islamic revolution to overseas and to make a fire in another part of the world.


یکشنبه، اسفند ۱۶، ۱۳۸۸

You saved an Iranian student from death

Thank you! You saved an Iranian student from death

With your reports and its pressure on your governments and UN and other none governmental Organizations and their support from Mohamad Valian, 20 year Iranian student who condemned to death by violent government of Iran. they forced to stop his execution. Yes you saved a life.

However, many other lives are in danger by murderous supreme leader and his selected and illegal government!?

Two days ago former vice chancellor of University of Tehran, Prof. Mohamad Maleki, who is an old man, accused that he fight against this dictatorship and that court want to condemn him to death. He is a scientist who has written several journal papers, books and etc. whether scientists and writers are fighters?, what fight is this?, fight with their sciences and pens against darkness of dictatorship!?!

پنجشنبه، اسفند ۱۳، ۱۳۸۸

Golchin Salehpoor was tortured and killed

Last week Golchin Salehpoor a 23 year kordish girl in Mahabad city Iran was arrested and detained by members of intelligent service of Iran. She was tortured and killed by them then her body was buried in an unknown place, they just let her mother to see her body for a short while and her mother was threaten that if she tell this event to anyone they will kill she and her husband.

چهارشنبه، اسفند ۱۲، ۱۳۸۸

Internationa women's day and women in Iran

8th of March is the international women’s day; while, murderous supreme leader and his selected (not elected) government imposed all inhuman rules to Iranian women.

Violent regime of Iran is an anti woman regime that based on anti women believes, Iranian women in their long and proud history had experienced to be even king of Persia or the commander and governors of states, but now:

They are just some slaves for men.

They have no right to select their cloths (i.e. they have to cover their hairs)

A man can live with 4 wives and have relationship with more than 100 women at the same time, but if a married woman has any sort of relationship with another man she will be executed inhumanly (stoned)

Payment in the event of a woman’s accidental death (e.g. car accident) by insurance companies is as half as this amount for a man (i.e. a woman’s price is as half as a man’s price) also heritages of parents are sorted in the ratio of 2/1 to brothers and sisters.

Iranian married women have no right to travel to other countries without their husbands’ written permission. They even can’t apply for passport without their husband’s permission.

An Iranian woman can not ask for separation from her husband even if he has married to other women. On the other hand a man can ask for divorce easily and with no reason and his wife has almost no right from their life.

Shirin Ebadi is a woman who won peace noble prize, her award was blocked by Iran’s regime and her sister was arrested to keep her quite.

A group of 12 women had gathered 1 million signatures from Iranian women to fix their problems and stop these inhuman activities against them, all of them attained and now they are in jail.

They couldn’t find any ear to hear. They are totally alone

You will be more informed about such inhuman rules and actions of this dictatorship regime against Iranian women.

I can’t understand why you don’t want to support these women effectively, at least publish something in your newspapers to show them that you here their voice.

These two clips are just two samples of thousands:



I can not open some eyes which are deliberately closed to the trough. But without hope we have nothing.

On behalf of Iranian people

سه‌شنبه، اسفند ۱۱، ۱۳۸۸

Dictatorship and violent regime of Iran has done whatever that it likes in front of your eyes. I think your eyes are closed!

They tortured a mother during two weeks. Her son was killed by them but they turned on his mobile set after midnight and called to his home and they let her mother to hear breathing it made her more worry while she had looked for her son during daytime in prisons around Tehran.

His name was Mostafa karim Beigi Can you even imagine such type of torture to a mother who lost her son.

Another 20 year old university student has been condemned to death, just because he had a stone in his hand in a demonstration. His name is Mohamad Amin Valian

You couldn’t save Mostafa, can you save Mohamad!

They are just two samples out of thousands,

That’s why I asked you repeatedly to support Iranian people to stop this murderous supreme leader and his illegal government.

On behalf of Iranian people